Interview by Shauna Harris
Shaq Magee: I was originally born in Lethbridge, Alberta in Canada. My mother moved down in to Atlanta, Georgia when I was about 4 months old so I was pretty much raised down here in the south.
do you live now?
Shaq Magee: I
currently live in Stone Mountain, Ga outside of Atlanta.
Free Ambition: How
old were you when you knew you had musical talent?
Free Ambition: When
did you decide to take your talent of music artistry to an
entrepreneurial level by starting a music label?
Shaq Magee: I
decided to start this music label in about September of 2014.
Free Ambition: ATR
means “Above The Rest”, how is ATR Records representing it the
music game to hold that self-proclaimed title?
Shaq Magee: ATR Records is representing the title of Above The Rest by making music
that everyone can relate to, and while doing so making music that can
be played just about everywhere. I strive to be successful in all
aspects of the industry, and as diverse as possible when it comes to
the music.
Free Ambition: How
is ATR Records building artist loyalty, to create a music family?
Shaq Magee: ATR Records is a close knit family that provides avenues of help to our
artists as far as finances, beats, recording, and over all a friendly
atmosphere that they can trust and be productive in.
Free Ambition: What
can we expect in the future from your two artists, Dirty Mike and
Shaq Magee: Well
you can expect a mixtape from Beezy released on January 18th of
2015. Dirty Mike is currently working on a mixtape and ideas for the
project that should be finished sometimes before this summer. We are
not in a rush because we want to make sure that everything is perfect
for the public to hear.
Free Ambition: How
can fans follow the new releases from ATR Records on social media?
Shaq Magee: Fans
can follow for ATR Records releases by following
follow us on Instagram @__apexdiesel @dirty_sprite_ &
Free Ambition: What
are your views on piracy of music artist material, and what is ATR
Records doing to protect it's artist intellectual property?
Shaq Magee: As
far as piracy on music I do not think that it is very fair to the
artists who have made the music. They do not get the credit that they
deserve for putting in all of the hard work it takes to make their
music. I think that they should get the compensation for the work
they have put in, and this piracy of music takes away from the true
credit they deserve. As far as protecting our artists' music from
piracy of others we make sure that we get the correct licensing for
websites, and do our best not to allow their music to be downloaded
on sites where their music can be credited appropriately and fairly.
Free Ambition: Do
you have any advice for upcoming music artists who are trying to make
Shaq Magee: My
advice for upcoming artists is to really stay down until you come up.
Keep your motives and dreams genuine and realistic and be patient.
Nothing is going to happen over night, and if you are going to do
music you have to be serious about it and find out about all the
aspects of the industry, and how much work really goes into making it.
Always remember to be patient.
Free Ambition: In
the last few weeks there have been multiple occurrences of injustice
for the murders of unarmed Black men; do Rap artists have a
responsibility to speak out?
Shaq Magee: Of
course I think that Rap artists have a responsibility to speak out on
the the subject. I think that they have a large part in what society
listens to. I only think that they should speak out when they
know exactly what they want to say and it has some actual intellect
behind it. Not just taking one side and being bias/racist
about their opinion. They should have a well collected opinion
with actual facts behind it. People listen to Rap/Hip-Hop a lot, and
respect some rap artists more so than they do if they listen to
police or politicians.
Free Ambition: If
you ask a lot of older fans of Rap, they say the message has gotten think the younger fans would still buy Rap music if it had
a wiser message?
Shaq Magee: Honestly,
I believe younger people would still buy Rap if it had a deeper and
wiser message. I just think that it would not be as successful in the
club scene because this scene is more involved in the "weaker"
message and focused more on a catchy hook and good beat. People do
not really pay attention to the message being spoken. As far as a
wiser message I think that it would still do well with younger people
who buy the music and listen to it for the message.
Free Ambition: Who
inspired you to be successful?
Shaq Magee: The
one person who inspired me to be successful I have to say would be my
mother. She has pushed me to do my best at everything I do, and to do
it right. I want to be successful to show her that I have learned and
matured and can do something great with myself.
Free Ambition: Where
do you want to see ATR Records in 5 years?
Shaq Magee: I
want to see ATR Records self sufficient and well known in the next 5
years. I want it to be making money and working with some more
upcoming artists and main stream artists, and to be known as one of
the most diverse record labels in the business providing music from
all genres.
Free Ambition: Who
is your favorite entrepreneur? Why?
Shaq Magee: My
favorite entrepreneur I would have to say is Sean "Diddy"
Combs. He has inspired me and shown me what having a dream and being
truly successful can be like. He stayed down until he came up and was
ambitious in everything that he has done. He took his time and was
patient and seemed to make all the right business decisions that have
been very lucrative over the past several years. I aim to be a bit
like him as far as his understanding and successfulness in the music
industry. He is no doubt my favorite entrepreneur.