Voyce Leshae

Free Ambition:
Where are you from?

Paris, France

Voyce Leshae:

Europe...lived in Poland, Germany, and France.

Free Ambition:
Where do you live currently?

Voyce Leshae:
 Atlanta, GA.

Free Ambition:
How old were you when you realized you had talent as a vocalist? 

Voyce Leshae:
When I started talking I also started singing. Since I grew up with a singing Dad, music was a big part of my life from the start.

Free Ambition:
Is there a strong following of Hip Hop in Europe?

Voyce Leshae:
It definitely was bigger in the 90's , but there are still lots of Hip Hop fans and followers as well as artists.

Free Ambition:

After studying at the Jazz University of Berlin, do you think you are better prepared as vocalist? 

Voyce Leshae:
Why? I don’t think that just going to a jazz university will prepare a singer better or worse. There are many ways to perfect someone's Talent and Voice …a person who sang their entire life in 
church or on the corner of the street might have perfected their talent also, I think its about how  much talent is a person born with in the first place??? And then how much time and effort will they put into their Godgiven talent?

Free Ambition:
What is the inspiration behind your music?

Voyce Leshae:
Music gives me life...its the most beautiful thing in life...besides Love.

Free Ambition:
You were a headliner at 16 Bars and Scars in Atlanta, is there a difference performing in Atlanta as compared to other cities?

Voyce Leshae:
I love the Atlanta Audience , that’s what makes it a difference , a passionate audience that loves music and they can be critical too, so being on top of my game is crucial in a city that has so much talent to offer.

Free Ambition:
When can people enjoy your music at Ray’s In The City?

Ray's In The City

Voyce Leshae:
Ray's In The City 

240 Peachtree street ATLANTA…in January every Wednesday from 6 to 10 pm.

Free Ambition:
How can your fans follow you on social media? 

Voyce Leshae:
Instagram: voyceleshae

Free Ambition:
Who have you worked with? 

Voyce Leshae:
I worked with sooo many people since music is all I do everyday, all day...

In Europe I got to work with great Jazz Artists like Judy Niemack...who was one of my vocal coaches  and taught me a lot about working with musicians and arranging music, then while working with Gold record recording artist band Ohne Namen 

Ohne Namen

learned recording and I toured in Europe , performing concerts as well as TV appearances on Top of the pops , 

and MTV Germany

Here in Atlanta I'm working with many talented producers, musicians , rappers and singers.

Some of them are famous, some are not, but the caliber of  talent I get to work with here is what makes it exciting.

Free Ambition:
What was your favorite performance?

Voyce Leshae:
 My favorite performance of myself is yet to  come, I try to improve every time I hit the stage.

My fav performances of other artists is when they first come out …when they are still hungry and just glad they finally got their shot…when they sing and perform as if their life depended on it

Free Ambition:
Who inspired you when you were growing up? People who stood for something
of course something good , people with value strong character, leaders not followers, people with a dream,
Mother Teresa
people who didn’t waist their lifetime gossiping or watching TV, haha, who used their lives to make a difference, Mother Teresa,
Martin Luther King Jr.

 MLK, Tupac.


Free Ambition:
What is your fashion style? 

It varies …depending on my mood.. and also location.. I def dress differently in Europe..my family thinks my ATL fashion style is over the top, Europeans like to be understated…

Free Ambition:
What can your fans expect from you coming up in the future?

Voyce Leshae:
More music as I'm finishing one album I'm already writing on the second one.

Free Ambition:
Who is your favorite music artist? Why?

Voyce Leshae:
 I like real artists...with real voices and real talent… I better leave it at that.