Jessica Fulks / Lache'

Lache' by J. Fulks

Interview bShauna Harris

         Free Ambition:  Where are you from?

Jessica Fulks

 Jessica Fulks: I was born in Houston, Texas. I grew up and was raised in Fayetteville, NorthCarolina.

Jessica Fulks

 Free Ambition:  Where do you live now?

Jessica Fulks:  I currently live in Atlanta, Georgia. I recently moved here just to attend graduate school.
Atlanta, Ga

 Free Ambition:    How long have you been in the fashion industry?

                                          Jessica Fulks::I have been designing for about seven years now, since my sophomore year of college.


Free Ambition:    Was it a hard industry to break into? 

                                Jessica Fulks:I still consider myself and upcoming designer in the industry. It is a difficult industry to break into, so that is why I just focus on designing and creating garments that are true to my design aesthetic. I believe I have customers out there and slowly but surely they are coming forth. 

 Free Ambition:  What are some the obstacles you encountered?
Jessica Fulks: The main obstacle that I have encountered was when I first started out. I think I just had a notion of wanting to design because I had no background, skill, or knowledge of the fashion industry. I was more of an artist. I started out not knowing anything about construction. I had to try to overcome this obstacle by asking for extra help, staying after class, working on projects that were not school related, entering competitions, and starting a clothing line. I didn’t know much then, but I’ve came up a lot.

 Free Ambition:  Do you have any advice for upcoming  fashion designers?

Jessica Fulks:Stay true to your design aesthetic and vision. Remember to push yourself, but always remember to edit. Remember that there is a customer out there, so keep them in mind unless you are just designing for fun. Hard work is the only way you will make it in this industry. Never become complacent and play into fads. As fast a fad can get you recognition, the faster you are no longer relevant. You are only as good as your last show.
 Free Ambition:   What do you look for in the fashion models you select for your images?

Jessica Fulks:Of course I look for the correct height on an individual, but as far as looks I try to go with unique looks when I want an editorial look. If I am thinking of a commercial look, you have to have a great smile. I also prefer models who are experienced with posing, and you do not have to force a pose out of them. It makes the photo shoot longer than it has to be.


Free Ambition:    How long have you been working on it?
Jessica Fulks:I have been working on my clothing line for about seven years now.


 Free Ambition:  Are you currently marketing/promoting yourself?

Jessica Fulks:Yes, on my website: as well as any competition that I learn of.

 Free Ambition:    What can people expect to see from your spring 2013 line? 

Jessica Fulks:For men, they can expect to see a play on colors as well as a complete survival kit for menswear. The line is British tailored inspired with a 1960’s flare.

For women, they can expect to see a play on black and cream. I am still not sure if I will put color in the collection. It will be 1980’s inspired line, mostly inspired by the great artist Jean-Michel Basquiat.

 Free Ambition:  Where can people find your fashions?

 Free Ambition:    How can people follow you?

 Jessica Fulks: 

Twitter: @4jfulks
Instagram: 4jfulks

   Free Ambition:  Who have you worked with?

Jessica Fulks:I haven’t really worked with any big time celebrities, and the stuff that I am working on now I am not at liberty to discuss. Stay tuned!

 Free Ambition:  Who inspired you?

Jessica Fulks:I am mostly inspired by my family and friends, art, and of course anything vintage.

 Free Ambition:    Where do you see yourself in a year?

Jessica Fulks:In a year, I plan on being in at least two boutiques, on my second year of graduate school, and possibly in a department store.

 Free Ambition:   Where do you shop?

Jessica Fulks:I absolutely love thrift shopping. My favorite stores are: Urban Outfitters, Belk's and Macy’s.

 Free Ambition:  What is your style?

Jessica Fulks:It is hard to put a finger on my style. Most days I dress vintage inspired but not in regards to costumes, some days I may throw on sneakers (I used to be a sneakerhead), or I may were a simple dress. It depends on how I feel or where I’m going. I guess you have to just be around me and take a look.

   Free Ambition:  Who is your favorite fashion designer? Why? 

Ralph Lauren
Jessica Fulks:My favorite designer is Ralph Lauren. I love the classic feeling of his garments, and I am inspired by his story of how he became the designer he is today. When you think of Ralph Lauren, you think of elegance, quality, and style. Those are the qualities that I want my line to represent.